Since January 1′st Mikeal, MDE and I have been really busy with new adventures but I wanted to thank our community for stepping up and continuing to improve Windmill.
The web sites, and the github project have been continuing to get more and more traffic all the time. With spikes of over 1000 users on and 381 users in a day on the github project a couple months ago (averaging around 200 users a day I can safely say that Windmill is continuing to grow it’s user base.
We haven’t done a release since Windmill 1.3, and there have been lots of changes to infrastructure, patches and issues fixed so I think in the coming weeks my plan is to package up and release Windmill 1.5.
There is no game plan carved in stone, but I would like to spend some time sprucing up the IDE theme as it’s starting to look a bit dated.
I will be at both CouchCamp and JS EU in Berlin next month, if any Windmill’ers are attending it would be great to meet up for a beverage.
Thanks for your patience and persistence everyone!